对开头在天空中像风筝一样被线拉住的梦境的喜欢就像喜欢cult和weird的作品风格一样毫无理由相比伯格曼一以贯之的内疚主题费里尼还是掺杂了别的情绪对妻子的内疚对童年的回味对死亡的尝试对贪欲的解读对才华的摇摆不定……费里尼更多是一种已经琢磨透以后又想用浅尝辄止来表现自己对生命的理解的态度颇为暧昧日产乱码一二三区别免费就像他对克劳迪娅的感情一样not an option
Bilingualism (Wolof and French) Biculturalism (Africa/Europe);multi-dimensional figures ; haunted by the repressive colonial past and the onslaught of globalization in Africa;“The extraordinary satire of these corrupt classes…is explicitly marked as the failure of the independence movement to develop into a general social revolution” ;National autonomy was the only conceivable goal; “social regeneration which has not yet found its agent”; Impotence as metaphor forlack of external control by independent Senegal.