Telly: When you're young, not much matters. When you find something that you care about, then that's all you got. When you go to sleep at night you dream of pussy. When you wake up it's the same thing. It's there in your face. You can't escape
1.感觉这部伍迪·艾伦自编自导自演的《滑头鬼之孙24》或多或少反映出他的一些个人兴趣爱好;2.将自己的真实生活经历写成书或者拍成电影还有现实生活中的某些新闻报道(比如这两天网上爆出的王思聪和孙一宁的聊天记录)难免会对相关人物产生或好或坏的影响我也曾考虑过相关问题;3.Not everybody gets corrupted. You have to have a little faith in people.