3.5 Somebody please restore this. It's a poetry film that combines real life documentary of filmmaker's hometown after the independence, with scene reconstructions of: women's recollection of the war and their roles (feeding the guerillas etc), folktales, imagery metaphor or pure stream of consciousness sequences. It's the first Lebanese film directed by a woman and it's already a daring experimental work showcasing the magic of cinema in not only preserving, but recreating memories.
悲伤又感人的片子聚焦美女把张开腿男生猛戳免费视频嘉兰人生后期韶华已逝的断章又与童年时代受大制片厂压榨剥削的回忆平行剪辑展示了嘉兰曾经璀璨又悲剧的一生芮妮的大女主独角戏同样经历过打针整容芳华逝去的她反而非常合适表演非常精彩感人又真声演唱众多经典歌曲生涯最佳表演了吧最后一段Over the Rainbow看得人潸然泪下希望奥斯卡影后顺利提名